The Future of Workers, by Workers

An infographic titled "What Workers Want #2: The Future for Workers, By Workers: Making the Next Normal Better for All" by ManpowerGroup. The image discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the future of work. Here are some of the key points: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a dramatic transformation of the workforce. Many people are now working remotely, and there has been a shift in the skills that are in demand. Workers are calling for a new normal that is more flexible, diverse, and wellbeing-oriented. They want more opportunities to work remotely, and they want employers to do more to support their mental and physical health. ManpowerGroup surveyed more than 8,000 people in eight countries to find out what workers want. The survey found that workers are most concerned about job security, health and safety, and work-life balance. The image concludes by stating that the COVID-19 crisis is an opportunity to create a better future of work for everyone.
An infographic titled "COVID-19: Global Impact At Work". It appears to be a summary of the impact of COVID-19 on the global workforce. Here are some of the key points from the image: A small proportion of the population will be infected by COVID-19, but nearly everyone (93%) will be impacted in some way. This could include job loss, changes in work hours or location, or childcare disruptions. Workers everywhere are most concerned about keeping their jobs, followed by health concerns. Many workers say that the pandemic has marked the end of the traditional 9-to-5 workday, and that they prefer a hybrid model with 2-3 days in the office per week. Germany appears to be the most resilient country in terms of work-life balance during COVID-19, with only 18% of workers reporting a negative impact. The UK and Italy have the highest proportion of workers who were furloughed during the pandemic. Mexico and the United States are the countries where workers are most likely to be working from home or self-isolating, and also the most anxious about returning to the workplace. Overall, the image suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the global workforce, and that these changes are likely to continue in the long term.
an infographic titled “Celebrate or Commiserate - Returning to the Workplace”. It appears to be about how different generations of workers feel about returning to the workplace after COVID-19 lockdowns. The text at the top of the poster says "As lockdowns lift and restrictions ease, workers want to feel reassured that health, safety and wellbeing comes first when returning to the workplace. Trust and transparency have never been more important and the best employers know they need data and insight to instill confidence. Pulse surveys, feedback channels, consultation and communication are critical." Here's a summary of what the poster says about different generations: Millennials: Most positive about returning to the workplace, but also most concerned about losing their flexibility. Gen-Z: Least positive generation about returning to the workplace, especially parents. They are most eager to avoid the commute and want the most reassurance about sick leave policies. Boomers: Keen to return to the workplace and prefer to collaborate in person. Gen-X: Most likely to feel relieved about returning to work and collaborate in person. Bravo (presumably meaning Baby Boomers Active & Retired Vanguard): Most concerned about exposure to the virus, but also least likely to want to lose their newfound autonomy and freedom. The bottom of the poster says "Mexico, Spain and U.S. most nervous, least relieved about returning to work." and "UK & U.S. where response has been most politicized and fractured, people are most reluctant to return."
an infographic titled "Acceleration of Inequity: More Haves, Even More Have Nots" from a report by the World Economic Forum. The image argues that the COVID-19 pandemic will exacerbate existing inequalities between workers with in-demand skills and those with declining skills. Here are some of the key points: Workers are united in their desire to keep their jobs, stay healthy, and continue developing their skills. However, the image predicts that the pandemic will create a greater divide between those who can achieve these goals and those who cannot. Those with in-demand skills, such as cybersecurity, business transformation, and accountancy, are more likely to benefit from increased job security, remote work options, and higher salaries. Those with declining skills, such as workers in hospitality, entertainment, retail, and grocery stores, are more likely to face unemployment, furloughs, and reduced pay. The image also highlights the challenges that many workers face in terms of childcare, commuting, and exposure to the virus. Overall, the image suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic will have a significant impact on the labor market, and that this impact will be felt disproportionately by workers with declining skills.
an infographic titled “The Great Skills Shift: How COVID-19 is Reshaping In-Demand Skills”. It is from a company called ManpowerGroup. The poster outlines how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the skills that are in demand in the workforce. Here are some of the key points: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a major shift in the skills that are in demand. Skills that were in high demand before the pandemic, such as those in sales and marketing, are now less in demand. There is an increasing demand for technical skills, such as those in cybersecurity, software development, and data analysis. There is also an increasing demand for “soft skills” such as communication, adaptability, and resilience. These skills are important for workers to be able to thrive in a rapidly changing environment. The poster also includes a list of the top 10 most in-demand soft skills, according to a 2019 survey by ManpowerGroup. These skills are: Communication Prioritization Adaptability Initiative Taking Integrity Analytical Thinking Relationship Building Empathy Coaching Resilience The poster concludes by stating that the need for a skills revolution is here in full force. This means that workers need to be willing to learn new skills in order to stay competitive in the job market.
an infographic titled : Essential Workers. Essential Skills. Essential Pay". It is from a website called Essential Workers Initiative. The image advocates for higher pay for essential workers, who are often undervalued. The text in the image highlights the following points: Essential workers have been recognized as heroes during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have kept essential services running, such as hospitals, grocery stores, and delivery services. Many people believe that essential workers should be paid more. A survey conducted by the Essential Workers Initiative found that 76% of respondents believe that essential workers should continue to be paid more, even after the pandemic is over. Some governments and employers have taken steps to increase pay for essential workers. However, more needs to be done to ensure that these workers are compensated fairly for their contributions. The image also includes a chart that shows the percentage of people in different countries who believe that essential workers should continue to be paid more after the pandemic. The countries with the highest percentages are Germany (33%) and the United Kingdom (33%). The countries with the lowest percentages are Italy (16%) and the United States (18%). Overall, the image is a call to action for policymakers, businesses, and individuals to do more to support essential workers.
an infographic titled "What Workers Want #3 Equality Maker or Breaker? How the Crisis Impacts Women". It is from a report by the World Economic Forum. The image highlights the different ways that men and women are impacted by economic and social crises. Here are some of the key points: Women are more likely to be furloughed than men (12% vs 10%). Women are more concerned about going back to the workplace than men. Men are more likely to view the office as a way to separate work from home, while women are more likely to appreciate the flexibility of remote work. Women are overrepresented in sectors that have been most impacted by COVID-19, such as accommodation and food services, administration and business services, and arts, entertainment, and clerical roles. There is a risk that remote work could exacerbate existing gender inequalities, as men are more likely to use the office for networking and collaboration. The image concludes by calling for companies to take steps to mitigate these risks, such as collecting data on the effects of remote working by level and challenging assumptions about the gender-normative roles of mothers and fathers. Overall, the image suggests that economic and social crises can have a disproportionate impact on women, and that companies need to be aware of these challenges and take steps to address them.
an infographic titled “Working Parents. What Matters Most: At the Workplace. At Home. In Future.” It is from a website called Arookings Institute. The image highlights the challenges faced by working parents, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. It discusses the importance of work-life balance and how the pandemic has exacerbated existing challenges. Here are some of the key points from the image: More than 30% of workers are now juggling work and family responsibilities. This includes childcare, eldercare, and homeschooling. The pandemic has made it difficult for many parents to balance work and home life. Schools and childcare centers have been closed, and many parents are working from home while also caring for their children. Parents are concerned about their mental and physical health, as well as the well-being of their children. Companies need to do more to support working parents. This includes offering flexible work arrangements, childcare assistance, and mental health resources. The image also includes specific examples from different countries, such as: Italy: The older population has been badly impacted by the pandemic, and many are more concerned about managing their caring responsibilities than their employer taking steps to keep them healthy. France: Most schools have been open since May, and childcare is widely available. However, companies are not doing enough to support working parents. US: While schools remain closed and childcare is out of service, many parents are worried about balancing work and childcare. UK: Parents have delivered an average of 3 hours of daily education for their children during lockdown. Working in a way that accommodates childcare is more important than networking or having access to more efficient technology. The image concludes by stating that the pandemic is an opportunity to rethink the way we work and to create a more supportive workplace for working parents.
an infographic titled Free Spirits or Compliant Culture. How Workers Feel About Testing and Tracing As second surges, repeat lockdowns and reintroduction of restrictions occur - trust matters. People are more likely to share their data with their employer if they trust that they will act on the information available and make the right decision about their health and safety. Guidance, Reassurance, Communication comes first. People want to know that unwell workers will stay at home, strict hygiene policies are enforced and communication is clear. Trust is the new currency and health & wellbeing the new priority, before any kind of return. THE WORKERS HAVE SPOKEN Those who trust their employers are twice as likely to feel positive about returning to the workplace than those who don't (44% vs. 23%). Easier said than done, more than 1 in 3 workers don't trust their employer to make the right decision about their health.
Infographic titled: 5 Ways to Make the Next Normal Better for All, by ManpowerGroup. Introduction, “Now is our opportunity to re-shape a future that is closer to what we know workers have wanted all along – more flexible, more virtual, more trusting and allowing people to better blend work and home while allowing organizations to tap talent that can work from wherever. 01 Ask Why. Why Return. 02 Skills are Evolving – Prepare for that Reality. 03 – Flexibility and Balance for the Many not the Few 04 – Physical and Emotional Wellbeing = New Health and Safety. 05 – Build Resilience – In People and the Organization.